Volo. I fly (1998)

1998. Lega Pallavolo Serie A and Lega Pallavolo Serie A Femminile together in this charity project.

Marco Caronna was the author of the song “Volo” for “Bambini in Emergenza”,the association founded by Mino Damato, sang by plenty of volleybaall champions as Andrea Lucchetta, Pasquale Gravina, Andrea Zorzi, Samuele Papi, Andrea Giani, Simone Rosalba, Andrea Sartoretti, Marco Meoni, Claudio Galli, Francesco Lavorato, Fefè De Giorgi, Andrea Brogioni, Claudio Bonati, Stefano Margutti, Hristo Zlatanov.


 CD “Volo”

With the men players there were also Annamaria Marasi, Antonella Bragaglia, Anna Vania Mello and Manuela Benelli a portare il proprio contributo.

Graphics and the tale were from Fabrizio Rossini, director of volleyball magazine Supervolley, who participated to the recording, edited  by Pietro Durante.

Will be part of the project also Rocco De Rosa and Guido Benigni, together with the band Jazz’n’Jam. The CD started with the RAI TV national team commentator Jacopo Volpi in a commentary. A very important and interesting initiative that put together in the same spot Men’s Volleyball and Ladies Volleyball.