Sidigas HS Avellino ejected from the Serie A2


Sidigas HS Avellino communicated today to the Italian League serie A and the Italian Volleyball Federation it would not play the coming encounter. According to the regulations, a team renouncing to two games is ousted from the league. The results of the six games played so far by Avellino have been cancelled.


Here is the new league table

Tonazzo Padova 18, Vero Volley Monza 17, Coserplast Openet Matera 14, Sieco Service Ortona e Globo Banca Popolare del Frusinate Sora 13, B-Chem Potenza Picena 12, Cassa Rurale Cantù 8, Itely Milano 6, Caffè Aiello Corigliano e Castellana Grotte 2, Elettrosud Brolo 0.