The pitch, the adrenaline of the match, the joy of a point scored, the satisfaction of an impeccably executed reception and – why not – also the bitterness for a mistake or a defeat. In short, those flashes of volleyball normality that, in the last year, Giovanni Candeago lived for a short time. Just two months. Then, at the end of November, the ankle injury against Savigliano was the prelude to a succession of setbacks and problems. Until the partial rupture of the right pectoral.

NUMBER CHANGE – But now Candy really wants to get back what he deserves. And Da Rold Logistics Belluno is aiming with closed eyes on him and on his desire to become a protagonist again. Not surprisingly, the hitter with the number 4 on his back is very confirmed in pink. Number 4? Alt, there is something new, as Giovanni reveals: “Yes, I have decided to change. I leave the 4 to take the 1: the number I also had in Trebaseleghe and Bolzano “.

TIMETABLE – “Change” is the key verb: “The past year was a black year, full of pitfalls and bad luck. I hope this is the year of rebirth. If the body complies with me, I am confident that I will be competitive right from the start of the season. I would like to give my contribution, even though I am aware that there is no need to rush the times. No timetable, therefore: let’s proceed step by step ».

DRUMS – With Graziani, Saibene and Ostuzzi, Candeago will ennoble a battery of high-profile spikers: “Before the injury, the court said I had what it takes to play a top level championship. Cards that I would like to play now ». Even if the competition in the group has grown: «Better this way, it’s more stimulating. And the intensity of the workouts will rise further. We start from a good base: the team is well equipped and the prospects are very interesting ». Applies to Da Rold Logistics. But it also goes for Candy.