Saturday 27 July 2024 3:30
Home Teams Posts by Bologna


Road loss in Sardegna

4th Round Second Half (21/01/2024) - Regular Season Serie A3 Credem Banca Girone Bianco, Stagione 2023 Sarlux Sarroch - Geetit Bologna 3-1 (25-23, 25-18, 25-27, 25-23)...

Important match versus Sarroch

  Girone Bianco starts on Saturday at 5pm with Sarroch – Bologna, at 6pm in Campo Motta and Mirandola. On Sunday at 6.00 pm the...

Tie break win at PalaSavena

3rd Round Second Half Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Bianco: CUS Cagliari - Negrini CTE Acqui Terme 3-0 (25-20, 25-23, 25-16) Stadium Mirandola-Belluno Volley...

Delicate match at home versus Salsomaggiore

3rd day of return: in the White Group on Saturday they beat Mantova and Sarroch. Four matches on Sunday, while San Donà and Brugherio...

A loss in Motta

2ª Giornata Rit. (07/01/2024) - Regular Season Serie A3 Credem Banca Girone Bianco, Stagione 2023 Pallavolo Motta - Geetit Bologna 3-0 (25-17, 25-19, 25-20) -...

Tie break loss for Geetit in Brugherio

Geetit Bologna - Gamma Chimica Brugherio 2-3 (23-25, 25-21, 21-25, 25-16, 10-15) - Geetit Bologna: Sitti 4, Sacripanti 14, Giampietri 6, Listanskis 24, Baciocco...

Bologna hosting Gamma Chimica

1st Round of Second Half: White Group on Saturday with six matches: starting at 3.30pm with Garlasco - Sarroch and finishing at 9pm with...

Clear home loss for Geetit versus the leaders

Quarterfinals - Del Monte ® Coppa Italia A3 Mercoledì 10 gennaio 2024, orari da definire Gabbiano Mantova - CUS Cagliari (1a Bianco – 4a...

Tough challenge versus Mantova

Quarterfinals - Del Monte ® Coppa Italia A3 Mercoledì 10 gennaio 2024, orari da definire Gabbiano Mantova - CUS Cagliari (1a Bianco – 4a...

Geetit improving day by day

Girone Bianco on court at Santo Stefano. The Lombard match between Brugherio and Garlasco starts at 5.00 pm, Bologna – Mantua and four derbies...

Geetit needing a win

12th day: penultimate of the first round coming up. The White Group opens on Saturday with four advance matches. On Sunday Belluno hosts Acqui, Garlasco...

Bologna searching out for continuity

12th day: penultimate of the first round coming up. The White Group opens on Saturday with four advance matches. On Sunday Belluno hosts Acqui, Garlasco...