Monday 9 September 2024 13:37
Home Teams Posts by Calci


Peimar Volley in Brescia facing the leaders

7th Round Serie A2 Credem Banca Domenica 1 dicembre ore 18.00 Emma Villas Aubay Siena - Castellana Grotte Diretta streaming YouTube (Oranelli-Rolla) Addetto al Video Check:...

Peimar approaching three tough games

After four wins in five games, Peimar Volley Calci will play three games in six days in next 2019/2020 Credem Banca Serie A2 season....

Fourth win in a row for Peimar

6th Round Serie A2 Credem Banca: Olimpia Bergamo-BCC Castellana Grotte 3-1 (25-21, 25-20, 23-25, 26-24); Castellana Grotte-Sarca Italia Chef Centrale Brescia 1-3 (23-25, 22-25,...

Calci ready for a brand new fight

  6th Round Serie A2 Credem Banca Domenica 24 novembre 2019, ore 17.00 Castellana Grotte - Sarca Italia Chef Centrale Brescia Diretta streaming YouTube (Feriozzi-Dell’Orso) Addetto al...

Looking forward sixth Round

After the fifth Round of 2019/2020 Credem Banca Serie A2 season has been postponed due the strong weather, Peimar Volley Calci approaching next round,...

Suffered win versus Mondovì

  4th Round Serie A2 Credem Banca: Synergy Mondovì-Peimar Calci 2-3 (22-25, 22-25, 29-27, 25-23, 11-15); Olimpia Bergamo-Emma Villas Aubay Siena 1-3 (25-20, 28-30, 20-25, 24-26)...

Fourth Round for Calci

4th Round Serie A2 Credem Banca Sabato 9 novembre 2019, ore 20.30 Olimpia Bergamo - Emma Villas Aubay Siena Diretta streaming YouTube (Piubelli-Papadopol) Addetto al Video Check:...

Peimar Volley ready for road trip to Mondovì

Standings Serie A2 Credem Banca Sieco Service Ortona 9, Sarca Italia Chef Centrale Brescia 7, Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce 6, Conad Reggio Emilia 6, Peimar...

Peimar defeated Lagonegro

Serie A2 Credem Banca 3rd Round Serie A2 Credem Banca: Emma Villas Aubay Siena-Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce 3-1 (25-15, 25-15, 20-25, 25-23); BCC Castellana Grotte-Conad Reggio...

Peimar hosting Lagonegro

  3rd Round Serie A2 Credem Banca Sabato 2 novembre 2019, ore 18.30 Sarca Italia Chef Centrale Brescia - Synergy Mondovì Diretta streaming YouTube (Sessolo-Serafin) Addetto al Video...

Strong win for Peimar on the home turf

  2nd Round Serie A2 Credem Banca: Synergy Mondovì-Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce 0-3 (23-25, 20-25, 23-25); Conad Reggio Emilia-Sieco Service Ortona 1-3 (26-24, 19-25, 18-25, 24-26);...

Peimar Volley ready to go

  2nd Round Serie A2 Credem Banca Domenica 27 ottobre 2019, ore 17.00 Castellana Grotte - Pool Libertas Cantù Diretta streaming (Turtù-Mattei) Addetto al Video Check: Simone...