Monday 20 January 2025 22:47
Results and Standings
Regular Season Serie A3 Credem Banca Girone Bianco
Matches (h. 18:00) Res. Set Partial
The Begin Volley Ancona 2-3 2525232110
Gabbiano FarmaMed Mantova 1720252515
Diavoli Rosa Brugherio 2-3 2520193613
Belluno Volley 1725253415
Negrini CTE Acqui Terme 3-2 1832252515
Sarlux Sarroch 253422189
CUS Cagliari 3-2 2516192515
Monge Gerbaudo Savigliano 1225251612
ErmGroup Altotevere San Giustino 2-3 2621252813
Personal Time San Donà di Piave 2825192615
Until the 3 Round ( 2nd half ) Points Result Type Matches
3·0 3·1 3·2 2·3 1·3 0·3 W L
 Personal Time San Donà di Piave 27 4 3 3 0 2 0 10 2
 Gabbiano FarmaMed Mantova 24 3 3 3 0 2 1 9 3
 Belluno Volley 24 6 1 1 1 1 2 8 4
 Negrini CTE Acqui Terme 24 4 3 1 1 1 2 8 4
 ErmGroup Altotevere San Giustino 18 3 2 0 3 2 2 5 7
 CUS Cagliari 17 2 2 2 1 3 2 6 6
 Sarlux Sarroch 16 3 2 0 1 4 2 5 7
 Monge Gerbaudo Savigliano 15 2 1 2 2 2 3 5 7
 The Begin Volley Ancona 12 0 2 2 2 1 5 4 8
 Diavoli Rosa Brugherio 3 0 0 0 3 1 8 0 12
Complete Standings   
3·0 and 3·1 Wins 3 points With parity of points:
  • Precede the team with more won matches
  • If the parity persists, the best set quotient is used
  • If the parity persists, the best points quotient is used
  • 3·2 Wins 2 points
    2·3 Wins 1 point
    1·3 and 0·3 Wins 0 points

    Championship Grid
    Regular Season Serie A3 Credem Banca Girone BiancoAcqui TermeAnconaBelluno VolleyBrugherioCUS CagliariMantovaSan DonàSan GiustinoSarrochSavigliano
    Acqui Terme 3-03-03-016 feb2 feb3-12 mar3-23-0
    Ancona9 mar 2 feb3-23-12-32-33-21-316 feb
    Belluno Volley26 jan1-3 3-03-02 mar2-33-08 feb3-0
    Brugherio1-39 feb2-3 2 mar0-30-30-30-32 feb
    CUS Cagliari3-226 jan0-33-0 9 feb9 mar3-13-13-2
    Mantova3-13-00-33-03-1 16 feb26 jan9 mar3-2
    San Donà9 feb3-03-026 jan3-11-3 3-03-12 mar
    San Giustino1-33-016 feb9 mar1 feb2-32-3 3-13-1
    Sarroch3-01 mar1-315 feb0-33-11 feb0-3 3-0
    Savigliano3-03-09 mar3-23-23-11-38 feb25 jan