In this period of break from club activity he is an interested spectator of international volleyball. The character in question is Angelo Lorenzetti, new coach of Sir Safety Perugia who is preparing the work for the next season of the Block Devils and who, at the same time, follows with particular attention the evolution of the summer tournaments, specifically now especially the Vnl , reserved for national teams that see many of their next players on the field.
A general examination starts from the fresh victory obtained this morning by Italy against Brazil (three black and whites on the field, Giannelli, Russo and Flavio).

“Well, first of all we are all Azzurri fans – explains Lorenzetti – and therefore we can only be satisfied with our national team capable of playing a substantial match against Brazil and imposing their pace of play after the first set. All with a good performance also from our two players Giannelli and Russo, I think Simone managed the blue attack very well. In general I think it is difficult to make individual references in a VNL where the teams are in full preparation and where the technical staff often rotate and try out different players and sextets. To say, Herrera is playing well with his team which is growing to return to the place it deserves and which it had a few years ago, but which at the same time provides often fluctuating performances. For this reason the important thing is that our boys are in the national team, we have enough, we hope that Held will also be part of the group that will play the Universiade. We often see them on the pitch, this means that they are protagonists and that they are physically well and we can only be happy about it. How will they be managed when they rejoin the club? Well, first of all this is volleyball now and I consider it a plus to have national teams in the squad despite the possibility of having to face some difficulties in the first period of the season, which by the way is not said. In addition, with the calendar featuring such extensive activity for the national teams, the work that the boys will do in recent months will be very important for them and for the club, also because they will be back in the group with us close to the start of the season ”.
One cannot but ask a great volleyball expert like Lorenzetti for a forecast on the Vnl entering the very hot part. Angelo sees it this way.
“Making a forecast is decidedly complicated precisely in function, as I said before, of the different preparations of the teams. One comment that can certainly be made up to this point is that some teams, such as Japan and the United States, have already shown a high level of play.