Emma Villas Siena returned with three points more in the standings from the trip to Castellana Grotte in Puglia and after the great success achieved at the PalaGrotte. There are now 17 points in the standings for the Sienese team, which continues to occupy third position in the ranking. Still ahead are Grottazzolina, at 22 points, victorious in the tiebreak in Cantù and the only unbeaten team in the A2 series, and Prata di Pordenone, at 20 points after the full success (0-3) on the Pineto pitch.

However, Siena achieved its sixth victory in Puglia in the eight matches played so far. He did it with a more than good team performance, with an attacking percentage of 58% (and which never fell below 54%, given in the first set) and a 54% positivity in reception. There were 11 winning blocks by the Tuscans against the 4 scored by Castellana Grotte, and 7 winning serves by the Sienese.

The team will return to training tomorrow morning at PalaEstra. And Emma Villas Siena will return to play at the PalaEstra on Sunday 3 December in a match that will start at 4pm. The Sienese will therefore play their first home day of the championship on that date in the sports hall in Viale Sclavo. The opponent will be Cuneo, who just won in the tiebreak at Porto Viro and who currently occupies sixth position in the table with 13 points.

“We did great team work at PalaGrotte – was the comment of Emma Villas Siena’s opposite number, Matheus Krauchuk, author of 22 points at PalaGrotte. – After a week of tough training and a very long trip we managed to bring home the 3 points. In my opinion, an excellent job was done on our part. We did everything right, we had prepared many specific things for this match and we achieved a good victory. On Sunday we will return to play at PalaEstra, we will finally be able to do it in our home arena. We thank all the fans who followed us in Santa Croce sull’Arno and in the away matches we played. We are happy and excited to finally be able to play at PalaEstra.”