WiMORE Salsomaggiore Terme, playing in the national championship of Serie A3 Credem Banca, announces that it has entrusted the technical guidance of the team to Marcello Mattioli, who for a year and a half held the role of second coach at Delta Group Porto Viro in Serie A2 and returns among the ranks of the gialloblù after his experience as deputy from 2019 to 2021 in Serie C and B under the management of Raho, Cavallini and Levoni. Born in Milan but from Reggio Emilia by adoption, Mattioli, born in ’82, already a former player as a setter and then libero for GioVolley, Pianeta Volley and Cavriago, began his career on the bench in the youth teams of Pianeta Volley and reached his peak in the season 2021/2022, when as assistant coach, together with Vincenzo Mastrangelo, he led Conad Reggio Emilia to the extraordinary “double” championship and Italian Cup in A2. Now his debut as head coach in Serie A in a place that strongly wanted him to replace the resigning Raho. “We are very happy to have Marcello (Mattioli) at the helm of our team – the words of general director Alessandro Grossi – it was a quick solution shared by all the company’s managers. It is the first and only lead that we explored and he convinced us right away, it is very nice to find him with us again because I believe he was one of the fundamental figures in starting our project starting from Serie B. In the meantime he has had a important to grow alongside top level coaches such as Mastrangelo, Battocchio and Morato, this challenge as first coach was much wanted by him and we are proud to be able to offer him the opportunity to embark on a new chapter in his career. He certainly finds a team in difficulty, there’s no denying it, but I think that with his character and way of doing things he can bring some enthusiasm to the environment which is now a bit depressed. I would like to thank the Porto Viro club, the president Veronese and the sporting director Pavan for the availability shown in the last few days, they made sure that Marcello could be freed as early as this week and it is a gesture that we greatly appreciated.” And the new coach, who already directed the first training session on Tuesday evening, is ready to revive the fortunes of the last team in the standings with one in the A3 White Group. “It represents an opportunity for my career and, at the same time, a very difficult challenge – explains Mattioli – but if I accepted it it is because I know we can win it.