There is always a first time, in the derby with Motta, on the Volley Team San Donà shirt there will be the symbol against violence against women in memory of all the victims of this 2023. A very long list that began with Giulia Di Donato and has arrived to

Meena Kumari was killed today with a baseball bat in the province of Parma.
On the Volley Team Club San Donà shirt, for the entire season, there will be a red hand with a white bow in the center, it will be in the front part on the right next to the number that identifies each individual athlete. Women are the driving force of the world, we must not only celebrate them on March 8th when we give them a mimosa or remember them on November 25th because they were victims of a man’s madness: “The story of Giulia Cecchettin – underlines the president Fabio Zuliani – has struck us very, our reality is very close to the town where Giulia lived. When a young life is cut short, it is always a pain and a failure for the society in which we live. As VTC, we asked ourselves what we could do to raise awareness among our athletes, technical staff, our managers, the kids in the youth sector and all the people who gravitate around us. From here the idea of ​​making this symbolic gesture was born, we could cover this space with a sponsor, and these days companies that support a club are always useful. We instead opted for a gesture of reflection not as an end in itself and due to the moment of the tragedy, but continuous for the rest of the competitive season. Among its tasks, sport also has to be a social vehicle. Not just matches and training sessions, we must be an antenna on what happens in everyday life. In the future we will implement other initiatives on this topic, in the name of Giulia and that very long list of women victims of human madness”.