After Riccardo Copelli, another player takes the road from Siena to Ravenna. This is the spiker Alessio Tallone, born in Fano on 23 September 1999, who will face his fourth year of A2 with four different teams wearing the Consar shirt. After the debut in the category in Cuneo in 2021/22, there was the experience in Vibo Valentia in 2022/23 which ended with the extraordinary treble (Championship, Italian Cup and Super Cup) and last season the one in Siena. The Fano spiker’s career also included two years of A3 in his hometown team after his entire youth career. In the last regular season in which he played one hundred sets, he put together 261 points, with 14 aces and 18 blocks, his best tally so far in A2.
“Ravenna has always made a good impression on me – admits the player -: in the last two years that I faced it as an opponent I perceived a well-organised club, with clear ideas and growth projects which have also materialized this year, given the excellent season played by the team. Two years ago, when I was in Vibo, Ravenna was a sort of nightmare for us: no other team has managed to put us in such difficulty. I am happy to wear the Ravenna shirt and curious to discover and learn about this reality.”
In Consar Tallone will find Riccardo Copelli as a teammate. “I bonded a lot with him in Siena: he is a great professional, and I am pleased to see him back in the team with me. He is synonymous with high level, as is Goi, looking at the more experienced players.”
After the year at Emma Villas, a summer of study is looming for Tallone: ​​after the three-year degree in Economics and Business, he is now tackling the master’s degree in management and government at the University of Siena. Then the beginning of the experience in Ravenna. “It’s the project I was looking for – he admits – in a place where I know that we train at a high level, with a club that is well structured and with a team that will be built to play in a high-ranking championship. Faced with all these prerogatives it was easy to say yes.”
In the spikers department Tallone joins the confirmed Feri and the other new purchase Ekstrand.