After the daring home defeat in the tie break against Napoli, Avimecc Volley Modica returns to the gym to prepare for the difficult away match in Puglia which on Sunday evening at 7pm will see coach Enzo Distefano’s blue and white take to the field in Lecce as guests of the yellow and red team of Aurispa Del Car .

The County sextet, which was ahead by two sets against Naples and was able to recover, will work on the mistakes made against the Neapolitan sextet and will prepare as best as possible for the trip to Lecce where they will try to recover the points lost at the “PalaRizza” last Sunday.

The team must have an immediate reaction and continue to fight to achieve the objectives set at the beginning of the season.

“Losing at home after being ahead by two sets – explains coach Enzo Distefano – was bad for us, just as it was bad seeing the disappointed faces of my boys at the end of the match. We were not compliant, but we did something wrong. Honor to Napoli whose values ​​we knew, especially psychological ones. The Neapolitan sextet is a team that never gives up and they also demonstrated it in Modica, after having also done so in Fano and Macerata. We have a lot to work on and review our game in the five sets against Napoli – he continues – but we have to think about Lecce. We cannot be discouraged after a defeat in front of our fans – concludes Distefano – but we must look forward because the road is still long and we have the means and the desire to fight as hard as we can until the end”.