Sir Susa Vim Perugia at work in view of the penultimate Super League.
The Block Devils continue their preparation under the PalaBarton vaults for the big match valid for the second leg against league leaders Itas Trentino.
The top two in the class will be on the field on Sunday afternoon at Pian di Massiano and, if it is true that the points up for grabs have a relative value as both teams are already certain of their final placement in the regular season, it is true at the same time that Perugia-Trento it is always a challenge of great fascination, which features super champions of the international firmament and which also has five Italian world champions as its calling card. The proof is the great response from the public who, judging by the pre-sale which is going full steam ahead, will pack every corner of the PalaBarton on Sunday.
It is no coincidence that Trento and Perugia are the top two in the Super League. In fact, on Sunday they will face the first and third in terms of number of aces per set (1.86 Perugia, 1.57 Trento), the first and third in terms of reception perfection (30.8% Trento, 28.1% Perugia). , the first two for attacking effectiveness (53.7% Perugia, 52.6% Trento) and the first two for winning blocks per set (2.57 Trento, 2.54 Perugia). The numbers don’t say everything, of course. But in this case they certainly say something.
The best place four of the championship will parade on the PalaBarton taraflex (Michieletto, first in terms of points in the role, and third overall, with 336 winning balls and 270 ground attacks) and the best “ace man” of the Super League (Semeniuk with 33 winning services , followed among others by Michieletto with 31 aces). There will be great challenges in the control room between the two setters of the Italian national team Giannelli and Sbertoli and in the center with Podrascanin and Solè (both former players of the match, there are six in total on the pitch) third and fifth best blockers in the championship. There will be a return to PalaBarton for the first time as an ex after two seasons of Rychlicki, there will be a possible tasty Italy-Poland team between Michieletto-Lavia on one side and Semeniuk-Leon on the other. Finally, there will also be a good challenge on the bench between Lorenzetti and Soli, the former an institution and the latter on the rise.
These, but there would be a thousand others, are the main themes of Sunday’s match. A challenge that is being staged for the fifty-fourth time overall in all competitions, the third of the season. And this year the situation is in perfect parity with Perugia winning 3-1 in the Super Cup semi-final and with Trento also prevailing 3-1 in the first leg of the Super League.