It’s the eve of Game 2. Tomorrow evening at 6.30pm Personal Time will face Fano at the PalaBarbazza. The Marche players have the point in hand to move up to Serie A2, while the Venetians will try to bring the series to the third match (it would be played in the Marche region on May 22nd).

After the 3-1 on Sunday we are back on the pitch again: “Our week was calm – comments coach Moretti -, my boys know what the objective is and we want to go back to play another match in Fano. Everyone is recovering from ailments and fatigue, everyone is aware of what they will have to do during the match. We will anxiously await the first ball to play.”

Personal Time set out to maintain the category and went beyond all expectations: “We had a fantastic year, all the objectives were achieved. Fano has more pressure than us, they have always declared that they have built a team to rise to Serie A2. A great match awaits us, the mood of my men is to not spare themselves and to never give up. In front of our people we all expect a great performance. We will try to raise the level of the show for those who come to watch the match at PalaBarbazza but also for those who connect on the Lega Volley YouTube channel”.