Tuesday 8 October 2024 11:54
Home Teams Posts by Lega Pallavolo Serie A

Lega Pallavolo Serie A

Credem Banca Superleague games re-scheduled

2nd Round Second Half SuperLega Credem Banca Mercoledì 19 gennaio 2022, ore 20.30 Gas Sales Bluenergy Piacenza – Cucine Lube Civitanova Diretta Volleyballworld.tv Giovedì 20 gennaio 2022, ore...

Del Monte Italian Cup Quarterfinals

13th Round First Half SuperLega Credem Banca Gas Sales Bluenergy Piacenza – Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia 3-0 (27-25, 25-22, 25-23) – Gas Sales Bluenergy...

Del Monte Italian Cup Serie A3 Eighth Finals bracket

13th Round First Half Serie A3 Credem Banca – Gir. Bianco Videx Grottazzolina – Abba Pineto 3-2 (25-19, 17-25, 27-29, 25-16, 15-10) – Videx...

Commission issued about Sa.Ma Portomaggiore – Volley Team San Donà

Sport Commission issued about the not played game between Sa.Ma Portomaggiore and Volley Team San Donà, with San Donà who did not showed up...

Fano-Garlasco postponed

Lega Pallavolo Serie A issued that the game between Vigilar Fano and Volley 2001 Garlasco will be postponed, due Covid 19 safety protocol.

Del Monte Italian Cup Quarterfinals

Brand new dates for Italian Cup Quarterfinals, after all the changes due Covid 19 Safety protocol. Quarterfinals Del Monte® Coppa Italia SuperLega Domenica 16 gennaio 2022, ore...

Del Monte Italian Cup Final For postponed to 5th/6h march

Lega Volley Italian Volleyball League issued that Del Monte Italian Cup Final Four, scheduled on 22nd/23rd january, has been postponed to 5th/6th March, due...

Macerata-Prata di Pordenone postponed

Credem Banca Serie A3 game between Med Store Tunit Macerata and Tinet Prata di Pordenone has been postponed due Covid 19 safety protocol.

Serie A2 and Serie A3 stats

Big in A2 Andrea Santangelo (Sieco Service Ortona): 26 punti, 53% in attacco, 2 muri  e 4 aces. Sebastiano Milan (Cave Del Sole Lagonegro): 21 punti,...

4.0 Committee happy with the Government purposal

4.0 Committee happy with the Government purposal of a big meeting together with football, basketball, volleyball and all the representatives of Leagues, in Government-Regions...

It was a win for Monza

3rd Round Second Half SuperLega Credem Banca Gioiella Prisma Taranto – Vero Volley Monza 2-3 (25-22, 23-25, 25-19, 18-25, 10-15) Gioiella Prisma Taranto: Falaschi 6, De...

Three games postponed in Serie A3

Lega Pallavolo Serie A postponed the games Wow Green House Aversa - Falù Ottaviano, Falù Ottaviano - Maury's Com Cavi Tuscania and Abba Pineto e Da...