Two years in Perugia had been enough to create a special bond between coach Di Pinto and Vigor Bovolenta. Di Pinto and the whole team were devastated as they heard Bovolenta passed away.

“They are no words or gesture that can give a sense to what happen – said Di Pinto – From Sunday, tears flowing, sobs, messages, memories of the superb group there was in Perugia and a game to play, or maybe the contrary, a game not to play for the suffering caused by Bovo’s death. It is difficult to forget his smile. A loyal guy, a winner that always conveyed character to his teammates, with the smile, taking the pressure off. In the moment of difficulty, he used to ask: What are we doing Vincenzo? And after my explanation, he used to say ‘ok boys, ready to go all together!? And then the fight…he was a winner, the first to give the example in the gym. I’ll miss him a lot”.