First of all, how are you?
I’m fine. I am training almost every day following the indications of the physical trainer, and I am waiting to start training with the team! I made all the necessary visits, and once I got the ok from the doctors, I quickly reached an agreement with President Ambrogio Molteni.
Last season we saw you “suffer” with the team from the sidelines
It was an “ordeal” for me not to be able to give my contribution on the pitch and not participate in the locker room life with my teammates. Having always led the “life of an athlete” and being a habitual type, the fact of having “stoned” my daily routine has had an impact. On the previous two seasons, however, the Covid situation had weighed. Now I really want to start over and do everything I missed.
And now the return to the field
It’s not easy to start over after a year off at 38, and it’s different from starting over after a year off at 28. Time passes for everyone, and I am aware that I won’t be playing for 10 years yet. There is a time for everything, and what I didn’t want was to stop because of a health problem. Quitting will be my decision, putting everything on the scale.
New year, new Coach
I heard Coach Francesco Denora shortly after his signing with Libertas: he asked me how I was, and he wanted to understand my availability, and this made me very happy. I obviously explained the situation to him, with the latest checks and the last visits to be made, and once everything was done I gave him my ok. He made a great impression on me, even though both Sette and Copelli had already spoken well of him as they had both had him as coach. He seems to me humanly very complete, capable of relating and adapting to situations, as well as extremely helpful.
What do you think of the team that was built?
The returns of Preti and Alberini are important. They have both been here in the 2018-2019 season, then Alessio has made four seasons in continuous growth and as a protagonist, and has become a mature player even in his young age. He won a promotion in Serie A2, and this year with Motta di Livenza as newly promoted they have had an excellent championship, even reaching the Play-Offs. Alessandro had made a difference in his last year in Cantù: it is always a certainty.