The Gioiella Prisma Taranto company is pleased to offer the interested companies affiliated to FIPAV, various packages including free tickets, as shown below:

for every 3 tickets purchased for home matches, one will be free.

For every 6 tickets purchased for home matches, two will be free.

For every 10 tickets purchased for home matches, three will be free.

The amounts of the individual tickets are:

single ticket € 15.00 + € 2.00 presale

reduced (12 – 18 years and over 65) € 10.00 + € 2.00 for presale

reduced child (3 – 11 years) € 3.00 including presale rights

Admission tickets can be booked by sending the form attached to the communication sent to the companies to the following address

e-mail: (n.b. – at least 3 days before the home match).

Tickets can be collected (n.b. – on the day of the race) at the accreditation ticket office of the “Palamazzola” located in Via Venezia, where it will be possible to make payment for them at the same time.

Hoping to see Pala Mazzola packed soon, we wish all the clubs in the province a good start to the championship.