It’s time to take flight: on a volleyball level? And even in the strictest sense of the term. Because Belluno Volley’s next away match, scheduled for Saturday 18 November (8pm), is scheduled for Sardinia: in Sarroch, in the province of Cagliari, where the rhinos will play in advance against the newly promoted Sarlux.

To reach the island of the Four Moors, the Dolomite company has perfected an inevitably special program. The start is set on the day of the race: directly on Saturday. In the morning, around 8.30, the athletes and staff will board the minibus and head towards the “Marco Polo” airport in Venice, where there will be a flight waiting for them which will take off just before midday, at 11.55. The arrival in Cagliari is expected at 1pm. And, an hour later, Fabio Bisi and his companions will be in the hotel, in Quartu Sant’Elena. After having refreshed themselves and rested, the people of Belluno will take the road that will lead them to the Sarroch building. Time to warm up, get the right references, even on a visual level, and then it will be match time.

At the end of the match, everyone returns to the hotel: Belluno Volley will spend the night in Sardinia. And on Sunday, around lunchtime (12.55pm), they will take the plane that will take them back to Veneto. The plan is defined. And the hope is to return from the island with the three points: «An interesting test awaits us – says the team manager, Riccardo Zanolli -. Partly for the trip, partly because we will face a dangerous team. He lost the last three matches in tie-breaks, but collected less than he deserved. It will be a treacherous away match: we will have to interpret it with respect and with all the necessary attention.”

Gian Luca Colussi’s boys are fresh from the success on the WiMore Salsomaggiore Terme: «We have improved some aspects – Zanolli continues – but others still need to be fixed. Our level of maturity must be measured on continuity in terms of performance.” A continuity to be built piece by piece: starting with Sarroch.