Saturday 27 July 2024 4:08
Home Teams Posts by Belluno


De Cecco at the Olympic Games with Slovenia

Belluno Volley will have the honor of being represented at the Paris Olympics. And the credit goes to Matteo De Cecco, a coach who...

Malaguti assistant coach in Belluno

Roberto Malaguti remains on the technical staff of Belluno Volley. Compared to last year, however, his role changes: from technical collaborator (or third coach)...

Belluno roster is ready

The long series of announcements, between confirmations and new arrivals, has come to an end. The Belluno Volley roster is complete. And ready to...

Riccardo Cengia in Belluno

Belluno Volley has a trio of new additions to its middle blocker team. Thus, after having embraced Michele Luisetto (fresh from second place in...

Guizzardi in Belluno

He has experience and personality, but he will be making his absolute debut in Serie A3: Belluno Volley entrusts one of the two control...

Basso and Bassanello are ready

Both are from Padova. They defended the colors of the Volley Team San Donà di Piave. And they want to win. Even with the...

Enrico Basso in Belluno

After announcing the hiring of libero Nicolò Bassanello, Belluno Volley is ensuring the performance of a quality middle blocker like Enrico Basso: originally from...

Guolla still assistant

It will still be "he" who covers captain Fabio Bisi's back. And to act as the opposite, in the 2024-2025 Belluno Volley squad. “He”,...

Michele Luisetto in the middle

Second news in the Belluno Volley roster: after introducing Alberto Saibene, in the band, the Dolomite club welcomes Michele Luisetto. A middle blocker of...

Captain Bisi extended

Bisi's encore: Fabio will still be the captain of Belluno Volley. Also in the 2024-2025 season: the renewal with the company chaired by Sandro...

Alberto Saibene with Belluno

Belluno Volley officially presents the first new addition to its roster. A novelty that coincides with a return: twelve months later, Alberto Saibene returns...

Sport Director Carniel introduced himself

Belluno Volley officially presents its new sporting director: Alessandro Carniel. He does so during a press conference, at the "De Gusto" restaurant-wine shop, in...