According to an effective old commercial, “two is megl che one”. And the DRL Volley Team must have thought so too, in relation to the Martinez brothers. Because, after Gonzalo’s confirmation, the company chaired by Sandro Da Rold also ensures Ignacio’s services. It’s official: in the role of setter, alongside Filippo Maccabruni, there will be “Nacho” Martinez. And for the setter, born in 1998, it is a return, if it is true that he had already been to Belluno in the 2017-2018 season, when the rhinos fought on the C series parquet.

A lot of water has flown under the bridge since then. For the DRL. And for Ignacio: once the experience in the Dolomites was archived, in fact, the playmaker born in Argentina and son of coach Mario (former coach of Conegliano, in women’s A1) landed at the Volley Team Club San Donà, in B. To follow, in 2019, the interlude in the Hungarian top flight at Kaposvari Roplabda, then the return to Italy, in La Spezia, still in B. The last stage, however, was in Montecchio Maggiore, in A3, with the Sol Lucernari shirt .