Cuneo among the top 8 in Italy, will play in the Final Eight DelMonte® Boy League 2024!

Puliservice Acqua S. Bernardo Cuneo, included in Group B, played on Sunday 7 April at the PalaFrancescucci in Casnate with Bernate, the preliminary phase of the tournament organized by the men’s Serie A Volleyball League and dedicated to the Under 14s of Serie A clubs.

The Cuneo team, coached by coach Mauro Rizzo, beat the teams of Monge Gerbaudo Savigliano and the hosts of Pool Libertas Cantù, finishing in second place behind Gamma Chimica Brugherio against whom Cuneo had no chance.

« This great result rewards the investment made by Cuneo Volley and by president Costamagna who believed and believes in the future, in the training of young people and in this sporting project. The Boy League represents the elite of Italian youth volleyball under 14, it is organized by the Serie A Volleyball League and reserved only for Serie A clubs. Our team is the result of a clear programmatic idea of ​​this season, coached by the excellent Mauro Rizzo who shared and applied the technical indications. It was an intense, stressful day, we didn’t expect our boys to react in such a positive way, growing visibly point by point, beating Savigliano in the first match 3-0, fighting well and in some moments on equal terms with the very strong Diavoli rosa team from Brugherio and finally beating the home team of Cantù 3-0. For this tournament, due to the non-participation of 4 players who had a match concurrent with the Under 15 regional phase, 2 boys from Parella Torino were added to our team who performed well. I am extremely happy with this result because Cuneo Volley deserves to return to the elite of Italian youth volleyball and the journey has begun, we are among the top eight Italian teams. At the end of May we will go to the Final Eight aware of the difficulties we will encounter, but with the desire to do well.» – declared Mario Barbiero, Technical Director of the biancoblù youth sector, who supervised the work in the gym and alongside coach Rizzo during the concentration in Cantù.