An exciting season ended a few days ago for Delta Group Porto Viro, capable of placing among the best four in Serie A2 both in the promotion playoffs and in the Italian Cup. The classic icing on the cake was missing, i.e. qualification for one of the two finals, but without a doubt the results obtained by Daniele Morato and his boys went well beyond expectations. Even those of an eternal optimist like President Luigi Veronese, who analyzes the black and fuchsia year like this: “We have made a fantastic journey, we knew we had set up a good team on the market but we did even better than our forecasts. In the championship we suffered at the beginning, especially at home, but in the second round, after the victory against Grottazzolina, there was a nice change of pace. You could feel that something special was being born in the group, something that then came out clearly in the playoffs.”

The quarter-final series with Cuneo, won thanks to two sensational exploits on the Piedmontese pitch, “represented one of the most exciting moments of my presidency – continues Veronese –, but I also want to remember the incredible victory against Siena in game 2 of the semi-finals. We were one step away from elimination but we managed to rise again, bringing the series to a close.”

It’s difficult to hide a hint of regret for the Italian Cup, which has always been a passion of the black and fuchsia patron: “In the two quarter-final matches against Cuneo the team was perfect, our goal was to go to the Final Four and we achieved it. Of course, once we got there, we all dreamed of bringing home the cup, but in the semi-final Brescia proved to be more cynical than us in the decisive moments. It’s a shame because if we had reached the final…”.

After many emotions, the moment of thanks has arrived: “I address them to coach Morato and his staff, to the players, managers and sponsors, without whom we would not be able to carry on our business. And then a special thank you goes to the fans, who have always been close to us, in the most complicated moments and in the most exciting ones. Some of them followed us all the way to Cuneo for the Final Four, I think that few clubs in A2 can boast such a passionate and warm following.”