On Sunday 21 April, at 6.00 pm, Kemas Lamipel S. Croce will be on stage at the Pala Francescucci in Casnate con Bernate (Co), the “home” of Pool Libertas Cantù. Menu of the day: match 2 of the Del Monte Italian Cup. The hosts will look for victory to close the series and move directly to the semi-finals, avoiding the “match” scheduled for Sunday 28 April. A program that the Wolves will try to counter, achieving success, with any score, and taking the match to game 3. Thrilling stakes for the Wolves, who if they don’t succeed in their aim would effectively end their season.

As always, the pitch will tell whether coach Bulleri’s team will have the head and strength to withstand the tensions of the match and overcome the lapses in attention and the insecurities that emerged in the second part of game 1. The match played at the Pala Parenti saw a great Kemas Lamipel for the first two sets, but what was rewarded was Cantù’s greater regularity, apparently “lighter” on a mental level.

In the first leg, coach Denora dispensed with the expert Ottaviani, inserting Magliano, born in 2005, in the starting six. The spiker, after the first two fractions, was replaced by Bacco, another young Vero Volley school, who withstood the test well and therefore could also be considered for a place in the “6+1” on Sunday afternoon. Bacco played diagonally with an at times sumptuous Galliani (14 points, 48% receiving), while in the center both Aguenier (3 blocks) and Monguzzi (4 blocks) carried out their tasks admirably. What makes the difference, as almost always in Cantù’s case, is the setter-opposite diagonal: Pedron’s fast game, and Gamba’s scoring ability (29 points, MVP). Denora will inevitably focus on these athletes, obviously accompanied by Butti as the “seventh man”.

Note: the match will mark the last outing in front of the friendly public of central defender Dario Monguzzi, 14 seasons in a row between B (little) and A (a lot) in the Cantù shirt, for a total of 311 matches reported in A2 Credem Banca.

On the eve of the match, head coach Michele Bulleri and libero Luca Loreti spoke for Kemas Lamipel S. Croce.