A beautiful and exciting starting point. This is intended to be the first glimpse of the 2023 – 2024 season for the yellow-blue club. In Via Volta we can enjoy the success of a stadium that has seen Serie A2 volleyball again for the first time since 1999 (the last time a ball of Serie A officially flew inside the facility in Via Rosselli (it was the A2 Femminile: Game 2 of the Play Off promotion between Latus Pordenone and Romanelli Firenze). There was great involvement and a nice atmosphere which also gave Dante Boninfante’s boys a boost on the field in these matches, with the peak reached in the Boxing Day match with over 1700 spectators.

There was also excitement on the sidelines to ensure an impeccable setup was found. Everything goes smoothly thanks to the small and qualified army, made up of around forty brave men who are responsible for setting up the playing field for the Tinet. And after many years even the news pages have covered volleyball. But Volley Prata does not want to rest on its laurels “We are satisfied with the hospitality we received in Pordenone – says DG Dario Sanna – and for our part we tried to behave like grateful guests by making improvements to the facility. Improvements which can then also benefit all the other clubs that will use the structure.” The stands were therefore renumbered, an internet line was activated, 22 meters of LEDs were brought to the edge of the pitch and a projector was once again installed for the giant screen.

“Boys and staff confessed to us that they enjoyed themselves – continues the manager – in the new building, despite not having yet had the opportunity to train inside, except during this Christmas period. But I won’t deny that it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. At PalaPrata we have our headquarters, offices and we have, together with the Municipal Administration, created a real functional jewel. Unfortunately, due to the rules of Serie A it was no longer possible to play there due to problems with capacity and this, in the summer, put the very possibility of participating in the championship in doubt. Having to move plants is tiring and remains possible only thanks to our organization and the great work of all our Prato volunteers. But, from the beginning, we decided to concentrate our energies on making the arrival in the city an opportunity and not a justification in case something went wrong.”