“In the first useful municipal council I will propose honorary citizenship for the Yuasa Battery team which honored Grottazzolina with the historic promotion to the Super League. Thank you for the shine you have given to our country. And thank you because you have made the Grotese people proud to be Grotese people.” Mayor Alberto Antognozzi, addressing the players, is thrilled to announce the news of the awarding of the highest city honor to the protagonists of the triumphant gallop towards the top Italian volleyball championship. During the official reception in the town hall, where the mayor presented an award to each player, the coaches and the club, emotional moments alternated with others linked to amarcord. Antognozzi thanked the protagonists: the president Rossano Romiti, the vice Claudio Laconi and the management, the players, the coach Massimiliano Ortenzi and the entire staff, the main sponsor Stefano Sopranzi (CEO Yuasa Battery Italy). And he recalled that the roots of volleyball in Grottazzolina date back to 1971. “Over half a century of history. And if the last 15 years have been characterized by M&G Volleyball School, we should not forget those who favored the birth and development of volleyball in our country. For this reason I would like to thank Carlo Valeriani and the Marcantoni family (Videx) for what they have given over the years”. When recalling the historic day of April 25, Antognozzi struggled to hold back his emotion and at times his voice cracked: “Seeing 500 fans in the stands cheering on Yuasa Battery was a unique emotion. In the morning, before the match, I tried to release tension by walking around Piazza del Campo: meeting so many fellow citizens, it really felt like being in Grottazzolina. Instead we were in Siena and there, in the Tuscan city, you players and you clubs achieved a feat of national importance that will remain in the annals.”