Saturday 27 July 2024 3:54
Home Teams Posts by Brugherio


Middle blocker Zara with Brugherio

Another young talent at the court of the Pink Devils. From the Lube youth team, the middle blocker, born in 2007, Nicola Zara arrives...

Luca Romano approaching next season

17 years and a long journey in the youth team of the Pink Devils crowned with great goals: Italian Under 17 Champion in the...

Paul Ferenciac in Brugherio

Experience at the service of young people: Paul Ferenciac is the new signing of Diavoli Rosa; he will be the hammer in place 4...

Juric in Brugherio

Brugherio has chosen his opposite: his name is Petar Jurić and he is the Pink Devils' first purchase on the transfer market. Croatian, 24 years...

Young Simone Prada with Brugherio first team

The setter will be Simone Prada. Born in 2006, one of the young Diavoli Rosa schools, three times Italian Champion in the rosanero jersey, in...

Third Place in Del Monte Junior League

Gamma Chimica Brugherio wins the bronze medal at the 2024 edition of the DelMonte Junior League Under 20, 31st edition of the "Trofeo Massimo...

Gamma Chimica for Junior League

  Gamma Chimica Brugherio with coach Delmati, Under 19: Andrea Marini, Paolo Centenaro (liberi), Giacomo Selleri, Simone Prada (palleggiatori), Tommaso Ichino, Daniele Carpita, Leonardo Tesi, Daniel Frage,...

Brugherio won Del Monte Boy League

Gamma Chimica Brugherio wins the 2024 edition of the DelMonte Boy League, 25th Enrico Bazan Trophy, beating in the final, in the setting of...

Gamma Chimica to Final Eight of Del Monte Junior League

GIRONE A Tinet Prata di Pordenone- Gamma Chimica Brugherio (1-3) Big Digital Bologna- Tinet Prata di Pordenone (3-2) Gamma Chimica Brugherio- Big Digital Bologna (3-1) STANDINGS GIRONE A Gamma...

Under 15 Territorial Champs

Second gold medal and fifth territorial podium of the season for Diavoli Rosa and Powervolley Milano who on Sunday 14 April, in the setting...

Good job by Diavoli Rosa

The Diavoli Rosa are increasingly raising the bar in planning and organizing, from season to season, a youth sector of the highest level. A...

3-2 win over Garlasco

Play Off Eighth Finals – Serie A3 Credem Banca CUS Cagliari (6) – Personal Time San Donà di Piave (3) Aurispa DelCar Lecce (6) –...