Saturday 27 July 2024 3:43
Home Teams Posts by Daniele Vecchi (traduttore)

Daniele Vecchi (traduttore)

Pool Libertas working hard in practice

The first days of preparation for the 2022/2023 season of the Pool Libertas Cantù are over. The various days saw the canturina team working...

Second week of training ended

The second week of athletic training has just ended, and the balance is more than positive. Thanks to the Pampaloni structure, the boys were...

Working hard in training camp

Ten days of preparation and Coach Barbiero traces the point on the work done. "We started training for 10 days, the first days are...

Tonno Callipo and Openjobmetis still together

The partnership between Tonno Callipo Volley and Openjobmetis continues for the 2022/23 competitive season! The prestigious Employment Agency has decided to link its image again...

Approaching the season

WiMORE Parma will participate in the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship in the 2022/23 season, bringing back one of the historic squares of Italian...

Lorenzo Bernardi at Domenica Sportiva

Lorenzo Bernardi will be the guest of the third episode of Domenica Sportiva hosted by Alberto Rimedio and broadcast on Sunday 28 August at...

Test matches for Da Rold Logistics

Five test matches to better prepare for the next Serie A3 Credem Banca championship. Da Rold Logistics Belluno has defined the framework of the comparisons,...

Delta Volley Porto Viro celebrates 10 years

Past Present Future. The old glories and the champions of today. Ten years of history behind us, to be relived all in one breath,...

Great night for Taranto Athlete Award

An evening of great prestige last night's appointment organized by the cultural association Triumphalia of the De Lorenzo family, a real sports gala in...

Three Emma Villas Aubay players at World Championships

Volleyball World Cup kicks off on Friday. In which both players and members of the technical and physiotherapy staff of the Emma Villas Aubay...

Massimo Zambonin brand new Sport Director

New positions in the corporate organization chart of Delta Group Porto Viro. Massimo Zambonin, former coach and Technical Director of nerofucsia, now officially assumes...

Marcianise at work

Morning session by the pool at the Novotel Caserta Sud. Special thanks to all the management and staff for their welcome and hospitality. We...