Exploit at the Regions Trophy in Molise by the Marche Selection, led by Romano Giannini, assistant coach of Cucine Lube Civitanova. The representative came close to the showdown for the victory of the AeQuilibrium Cup 2023 in Campobasso, only giving in to the advantages of the tie break against Veneto in the Semifinal. The U16 team from the Marches made up for it by winning the bronze in the finalina for third place thanks to the 2-1 (26-24, 22-25, 15-11) achieved on Friday against Lazio.

On the third step of the podium, among the young talents from the best teams in the region, were nine players from the red and white cantera, Leonardo Alessi, Gianluca Cremoni, Diego Dolcini, Andrea Giani (later awarded as the best libero of the event), Matteo Iurisci, Samuel Lanciotti, Gabriele Spina, Diego Zamparini and Nicola Zara, but also Mattia Vagnini, athlete of the Bottega Volley on loan to Lube. Lombardy triumphed in the tournament, prevailing over Veneto.

Coach Romano Giannini: “This result has two faces. Obviously the elimination in the Semifinal due to the tie break was a hard blow to digest because the Final was very close, but closing the event with a victory in the match for third place gave us a lot of energy. Finishing such an important tournament with success has a different flavour. This year with Lube I lost the decisive match in the Scudetto Final and I can say that hitting third place leaves you with much better sensations. I am happy with the growth of the group. I had excellent responses from the red and white hard core and I’m happy for the prize for best free throw to Giani, but the compliments are addressed to all the boys in the team. Even to those who have had less space and have always supported the group. In the group stage, the decisive match was against Emilia Romagna, a team of the highest level. Our excellent placement came from that showdown. Holidays and relaxation? There is time, I am busy for the whole month of July with summer camps, we start again “.