After the official announcement by Lega Pallavolo Serie A of the program for the Del Monte Coppa Italia A2 final between Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia and Bcc Castellana Grotte, scheduled for Saturday 4 February 2023 at 7.45 pm, at the Pala Maiata in Vibo Valentia, communications and useful information are also arriving to participate in the bus trip organized by New Mater Volleyball Castellana Grotte in collaboration with the New Ultras Mater group.

Those who want to follow the Bcc Castellana Grotte away from home, in Vibo Valentia, can book their membership at the cost of 6 euros (including bus transfer made available by the company and entrance ticket to the building) plus a contribution of 1 euro to participate in the choreography expenses. Children under 4 years of age do not pay.

The departure is scheduled from Castellana Grotte at 12 on Saturday 4 February 2023 from the Grotte Shopping Center in via Putignano in Castellana Grotte. Return in the evening after the game. Mandatory preventive subscriptions on the instagram profile New Ultras Mater or at the numbers 3386791524 – 3331325111.

Further information on the website and on the New Mater Volley social channels.