The best one goes. The sports journalist who has cultivated two great passions in his professional career: rugby and volleyball is leaving. The aim of Carlo Gobbi’s life was to push around in the editorial office to steal space from football and the most popular sports and donate it to rugby and volleyball. He succeeded, with the class and moderation that has always distinguished him, with the professional generosity that he displayed throughout his entire career. Those who made volleyball a profession, betting in the 80s on a discipline that found space only among the “other news” of the rosea, will have to thank Carlo every day. May his irony, his wit, his “knowledge” of sport be an example to the new generations. May his exquisite kindness be an example to all of us to never raise our voice and not pretend that others are of the same opinion as us. Finally, a personal thank you for your advice, your messages and your continued support for me. I owe you so much Carlo and I know that there is an entire movement that thinks like me. The best one goes and we can’t hold back the tears.

(Beppe Cormio, general manager of Lube Volley)