Thursday of physical work for Sir Susa Vim Perugia. In the aftermath of the first field test carried out last night at PalaBarton against Siena, Angelo Lorenzetti included a weight room session carried out this morning in the Block Devils’ menu. The week will continue with double training tomorrow and closing on Saturday morning.
The joint training with Emma Villas, an important A2 series team, gave the Juventus technical staff the first results after five weeks of work. We saw some good technical-tactical situations, there were various ideas to work on, above all we noticed a good attitude of the team on the pitch, both on the part of the more experienced players (and this was perhaps more foreseeable) and also on the part of part of the many young people gathered in this period awaiting the return of the eight national teams who will be involved in the Olympic qualifiers from 30 September to 8 October.
Sir Susa Vim coach Angelo Lorenzetti’s comment on yesterday’s test.
“Matches like yesterday’s must serve to break up the monotony of the preparation we do with reduced ranks. The young guys are giving us a good hand, obviously for the more experienced it’s not an easy period. Through these tests we get a little closer to the most suitable pace of play so these are important days for us. Yesterday was the first, we will do a few more hoping to always be on the pitch with the spirit I saw with Siena. Yesterday I saw some of what we are trying in training, but above all playing was useful because our overall work in training has a much lower intensity than what is produced in friendly matches and it is obvious that when this intensity increases they increase also the problems. I must say that the team fully grasped the usefulness and opportunity of yesterday’s test and it must be the same for the next ones we will do. The expert-young mix? Since August 22nd the attitude of the more experienced kids has been very positive, they help the young people because they know they need it and the young people for their part are very receptive. Doing all this in a match was another test and having maintained the style that exists every day in training is something important, not to be taken for granted and which must be given value. We have to continue like this because then when the players who are currently in the national team arrive, we will have to run both like volleyball that we will do in the gym and like volleyball that we will have to do against our opponents”.