The world of professional sport has always been made up of greetings and changes, more or less painful. The one between Rasmus Breuning Nielsen and Grottazzolina was (unfortunately it is necessary to speak in the past tense) a splendid love story, an athlete who arrived in Italy in 2016/17 and for three seasons breathed the scent of the Super League as a spiker, first to Milan and then for two years in Sora. Then the change of role, and with it the move to Belgium to Maaseik, first experience in the opposite role.
From there the return to Italy, to Brugherio, where the fate of “the Viking with the face of a child” crossed paths for the first time with that of Grottazzolina. Curious coincidences of fate, it was April 25, 2021, when the Danish cyclone hit the then Videx with 41 points in the first leg of the playoff quarter-finals. A monstrous performance, which immediately convinced the via Fonte San Pietro club to invest in him. And it was a fruitful investment for both, because from there the recent history began, made up of three seasons together, it coincided with Grottazzolina’s wonderful climb from the A3 to the Super League, which arrived, as if on purpose, on April 25th of three years After.

In the midst of an avalanche of emotions experienced together, made up of over 1500 points scored, two promotions, an A3 Super Cup, a (very recent) silver medal in the A2 Super Cup, a silver medal in the A3 Italian Cup and a lot of individual recognitions, including the two Kouznetsov awards as the best scorer in Serie A2 of the last two seasons.