Confirmation of the first coach Marco Bartolini and the second, Mirko Monaldi, who are now joined by Davide Marra, who has left playing volleyball but not the blue and white colours. The new course of Pallavolo San Giustino starts from the fixed point of the entire technical staff, with the addition of a fundamental addition. The Bartolini-Monaldi duo, in their fourth consecutive season, will in fact make use of the contribution of the now former ErmGroup captain, who constitutes the salient innovation and who will enrich and complete the coaching staff. The sports director Valdemaro Gustinelli specifically articulates the wishes of the owners: “Once the commitment to the organization of the Under 19 men’s national finals has been completed – he recalls – we begin to make our supporters and professionals aware of the path that has been followed in these thirty days to prepare the team that will participate in the next Serie A3 championship. In doing this we could only start from our technicians, who I have praised several times and considered fundamental for the results obtained last season. Both Bartolini and Monaldi agreed to continue their collaboration with Pallavolo San Giustino after having discussed the technical and economic aspects with me, but also and above all with the ownership, identifying themselves with a very specific project and building loyalty in their image and work. in what the demands of society are. We all know very well the value of our staff members and therefore we could not help but ask if our project was suited to their ambitions and stimuli. So it was. We didn’t struggle much in finding an agreement for next season and above all in starting to work hard to build the new roster. Personally, I am very satisfied to be able to continue collaborating with Marco and Mirko, to whom I am also linked by a deep friendship; I am truly honored and I hope to live up to their priceless work.” But let’s move on to Davide Marra’s entry into the technical staff. “This is a great victory for Pallavolo San Giustino – underlines Gustinelli – and I must once again publicly thank the CEO Claudio Bigi, who played a fundamental role in Davide’s final choice. Yes, because it was absolutely not a given that Marra would make this decision; it is useless to underline that yours is a life choice and that when you make certain choices you also need someone who can provide the right stimuli and input necessary to make them.