Thursday 2 May 2024 16:35
Home Teams Posts by Sieco Service Ortona

Sieco Service Ortona

Road loss in Brescia

1st Round First Half Serie A2 Credem Banca: Giocata alle 17.00 BCC Castellana Grotte - Agnelli Tipiesse Bergamo 3-0 (25-23, 25-17, 25-21) Emma Villas Aubay Siena-HRK...

Tenth Serie A tournament for Ortona

Sieco Impavida Ortona appraching tenth Serie a tournament in his history, a great target for the club, who restyled team and executives in the...

Sieco officially introduced

Sieco Impavida Ortona has been officially introduced to the fans and the media in a beautiful ceremony, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca...

A loss versus Castellana

BCC Castellana Grotte - MOACONCEPT Impavida Ortona 3 - 1 (20/25 - 25/22 - 25/14 - 25/19) BCC Castellana...

Good test for Moaconcept despite the loss

Moaconcept Impavida Ortona: Fabi 8, Pessoa 7, Di Silvestre 3, Benedicenti (L), De Paola 9, Fusco (L), Santangelo 12, Del Fra, Bulfon n.e., Molinari...

Moaconcept ready to start

Moaconcept Impavida Ortona is ready to face another big challenge, approaching the training camp, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A2 long, busy and...

Gabriel Pessoa in Ortona

Moaconcept Impavida Ortona inked brasilian Gabriel Pessoa, ready to face another big challenge, approaching the training camp, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A3...

Pharma+ and Errea still with Ortona

Moaconcept Impavida Ortona extended the partnership with  Pharma+ and Errea, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A2 tough, busy and long season.

Alberto Di Silvestre with Ortona

Moaconcept Impavida Ortona landed young prospect Alberto Di Silvestre, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Crede Banca Serie A2 tough, busy and long season.

Third season for Del Frà

Moaconcept Impavida Ortona extended the contract to Del Frà, who will play with Ortona for the third consecutive season, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem...

First game on road in Brescia

Moaconcept Impavida Brescia will play on road in Brescia the first game of the upcoming tournament Credem Banca Serie A2. Credem Banca Serie A2 2021/2022

Alberto Benedicenti in Ortona

Another add for Moaconcept Impavida Ortona, who landed Alberto Benedicenti looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A2 long, busy and tough season.