Materdomini Volley.It Castellana Grotte: A very hard trainning week for the team in prepartion of the match against Ancona.
“I have to thank a lot my boys the the dedication they always showed, especially in the difficult moments. I think our strengh is in the group. Everyone plays for the team beofre than for himself. They are really great!” coach said.
And to be honest, the team itself has been the winning card from the beginning.
“We are ready to face the last part of the championship knowing that we can reach a very important result for our team and for our city. I think that our current position, conquered despite the bad luck, has been entirely deserved and now we have to try keep going to reach a goal not forseen at the beginning.”

Pess office
Pier Paolo Lorizio

In the pic: coach Gianni D’Onghia