Modugno-Noicattaro Volley: On Saturday 30 December Modugno-Noicattaro will play at home against SEC Isernia.
Mastrangelo boys wants to react to the bad loss obtained last Tuesday against Bari and also get a revenge for the loss obtained in September against Isernia.
Modugno-Noicattaro and Isernia are both just outside the danger zone: Modugno-Noicattaro, with its 18 points, is 2 points away from the fourth last, Isernia is just behind with 17 points.

Saturday 30 December 2006 at 6.00Pm at the PalaPertini in Noicattaro
Referees: Prandi Gianni and Gelati Graziano

Antonio Rubino
Press Office Modugno-Noicattaro Volley