Premier Hotels Crema: Tonight the PalaBertoni will be totally sold out for Semifinals Game 2. Everything is ready for the game that it worth an entire season.
Crema, that can count on the whole team, will face Salento ahead 1-0 in the series. The starting sixs should be the same of Game 1. Crema should start with:Travica setter, Cazzaniga opposite, Joko and Jankovic spikers, Egeste and Finazzi middleblockers and Caprotti libero. Coach Gulinelli starting six should be: Paolucci setter, Rodrigues opposite, Ereu and Popp spikers, Postiglioni and Belardi middleblockers and Pesenti libero.
The game will start at 8.30PM

Referees: Arbitreranno Balboni Gabriele and Cerquoni Marco.

Andrea Mombelli
Press Office Premier Hotels Crema