Mail Servce Corigliano: Once again the team puts forward a social initiative. On Wednesday, January the 18th the boys of President Policastri met the students of the ITC “Luigi Palma” in Corigliano, to make the kids aware about the importance of Volley and to encourage them to follow the Championship.
Capitain Luigi Corvetta was of course amongst them, as always when it is the case of social initiatives. “I’m very happy to be here -the capitain said- these initiatives are very important to make the city sport reality well-known and let the kids approach volley. We count on you as supporters-Corvetta said talking to the students- what you can do as a audience is fundamental, so follow us when we play”.
Mr. Iacucci, teacher and promoter of the event says: “We have this meeting in the ITC every year, for we are aware of the big importance they have for our school community. It is right to let kids approach the sport, to let them see volley as a moment for being together and grow up”.
Coach Giovanni Preti is very fine with such initiatives, which, he says, “let the people approach the team and spread the wonderful reality of Corigliano’s Volley through the city”.