Marmi Lanza Verona: Club BluVolley announces that they hire brazilian setter Marlon Muraguti Yared that starting from this week will be working with the rest of the team.
Marlon, born in 1977, 189 cm tall, has already a long and important carreer: in 1994 and in 1997 has arrived first and second in the Sout America Championship with the Brazilian team. From 2004 he has been the Minas Tenis setter where he reached the second position in the Superliga Championship in 2004 and in 2005.
The arrival of the brazilian setter is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon at 5.20.
His official presentation will take place on Wednesday at 3.00PM with a press conference at the headoffice of the Club in Via Caduti sul Lavoro 1, a Isola della Scala (Vr).

Gian Paolo Zaffani
Press Office
mob. 347 14.85.643