Andreoli Latina: ANDREOLI LATINA 2

Andreoli Latina: Bendandi 1, Zaytsev 1, Tomasetti 1, Cardona 12, Barbareschi 13, Zanuto 16, Messana (L) 1, Riad 7, Gilson 28, Moretti, Scuderi.
Coach: Gulinelli

Bielorussia: Rusak 14, Taras ne, Antonovich 12, Jegzdrin 5, Akulikh 24, Klishevsky 12, Khitun 4, Ozimkos, Likhorad (L), Goremykin 6, Akimenko, Vertyolko.

Sets: 25-21/ 28-26/ 22-25/ 21-25 15-12.

the Baltic Cup starts with a long marathon for Andreoli Latina against Byelorussia, last minute change in Kaliningrad. Latina played with great determination and attitude but had to give in to bad luck and tiredness in the end.
Five sets to reach the final results with the Byelorussian winning for 15-12 at tie break, despite Latina’s good work and brasilian player Gilson great performance with 28 points.
“Shame about the Tie break defeat – says Candido Grande from Kaliningrad – also because we were so tired in the end due to the hard work we have carried out in the past few days. Matches like this one are good to improve the level of our game. It is nice to see that players like Barbareschi, who had not had much attention so far, has managed a high level performance. Zanuto did well too, just like all the ones who played.
We have a more difficult challenge now against my friend’s boris Kolchin’ team Fakel”.