Codyeco S.Croce:

EDILESSE CAVRIAGO: Giumelli 4, Kirchhein 12, Stagni 1, Luppi 9, Cantagalli 9, Gil 23, Peli (libero), Carletti, Speringo, Armeti, Bassoli n.e. Bonini n.e. Allenatore: Bonitta.

CODYECO LUPI SANTA CROCE: Torre 8, Fabbiani 20, Pagni 5, Corsini 3, Janic 13, Lirutti 2, Pieri (libero), Caldeira 9, Rocchini 3, Falaschi, Fondi, Papucci n.e. Allenatore: Valdo.

Referees: Valeriani from Roma and Costantini from Viterbo.

Sets :25-23, 18-25, 25-22, 25-18.€

Edilesse’s wrong services: 8. Aces: 8.
Codyeco’s wrong services: 15. Aces: 13.

Spectators: 1.050

Codyeco was defeated in Emilia. The match was an incredible opportunità to reach Milano in the standing. “Wolves” lost for 3-1. A nervous game, with the two referees making a lot of mistakes.
Simone Barontini states:”We missed an important occasion. I thought we would gain three points and reach Milano.Our next game is against Modugno-Corigliano “.
Riccardo Giomi said nothing. Leonardo Caponi:”The third set was the key: we played well but we could not take advantage of this “.
Coach Enzo Valdo analyses players’ behaviour:”We need to be relaxed and if referees make some mistake, the whole team has not to protest or be nervous. “.

Press office
Codyeco Lupi