Sisley Treviso:  Ticket sale for the match between Sisley Volley and Copra Piacenza started today; the match is going to be played on next Thursday at 8.30 p.m. in Palaverde arena.
For further information call the number 0422-324227, or send an e-mail to <A href="mailto:href=" href=””><FONT face=”Lucida Sans Unicode” size=2>


SISLEY VOLLEY – The team is going on training its best.


MISTER “LAST POINT”, ALESSANDRO FEI – 12th May 2004, match 3 between Sisley Volley-Coprasystel Piacenza, the player blocks his opponent’s spike adn his team wins the match. Also against RPA Perugia, he spiked from the zone 2 and won the match: “Am I really the “last point” player? I did not know this…by the way, me and my team, we are ready to play our best. The situation is not simple without Vermiglio and Cisolla”. ‘Fox’ goes on ” I think that the sevice will be the key for the victory”.


SISLEYVOLLEY.IT – On the official website,, everyday interviews and news are uploaded. Visit it!


Press office
Simone Fregonese
Enrico Castorina