Itas Diatec Trentino:
Trento, 26 January 2007

Sunday night Itas Diatec Trentino will play at home against Marmi Lanza Verona coached by Angelo Lorenzetti. The match will be very tight as usual and it has been scheduled for Sunday night at 6.00PM.
ITAS DIATEC TRENTINO The loss of last Sunday in Taranto put some ground between the team and the playoff area. Trentino Volley is two points far from Perugia, currently at the eight position of the standing. Now what it is necessary is a very good performance at home, in order to get points and get confidence and high level game in every single part of the match. Still some problems for Della Lunga (right hand), Meoni (pulse) e Mescoli (neck), but all the players will be part of the match on Sunday night.
THE OPPONENTS: Two home consecutive victories against two teams in very good shape like Taranto and Cuneo. The two victories have given new hope for the salvation of Marmi Lanza, considerated by everyone already relegated in Serie A2 and now ready to fight as much as possible after the last 5 points gaigned.
Verona has left last Sunday the last position of hte standing and it is now only 4 points away from the salvation area.
THE PREVIOUS MATCHES: Seven matches played in serie A1 between Trento & Verona. Trento has won 4 games and Verona only 3.
STARTING SIXS: Radamès Lattari should start the match with Meoni setter, Nascimento opposite, Gallotta and Winiarski spikers, Heller and Hübner middleblockers.
Coach Angelo Lorenzetti has two different possible starting sixs. Most likely the team should start with Marlon ssetter, Maruotti opposite, spikers Howard and Veres, middleblockers Birarelli & Bontje, Sorcinelli libero.
REFEREES Giuseppe Caldarola and Stefano Ippoliti.

Trentino Volley S.p.A.
Press Office

Francesco Segala
Tel 0461-829939, e-mail: