Lanci’s team carried out a new test against Città di Castello in Foligno. Città di Castello was without Fromm, VanWalle and Piano, while Ortona had to do without Cetrullo and Zito. Ortona offered another good performance but Massari and co eventually won it at the tie-break.

Altotevere Città di Castello : Franceschini 12, Carminati, Lensi (L), Corvetta2, Dolfo 22, Sartoretti 14, Massari 23, Tosi (L), Rossi 12, Marchiani.

Sieco Service Impavida: Cetrullo, Simoni 10, Guidone, Bruno 11, Matricardi dnp, Galliani 22, Gemmi, Pappadà (L), Sborgia 6, Di Meo 2, Lanci,Orsini 13