Some great volleyball on display in the PalaGlobo arena. But at the end of five sets and two hours of play, it is the hosts who came out on top against Potenza Picena. This stopped the winning streak of the visitors, who had won the last five. As for Sora, this guarantees a place in the top four and the Italian Cup quarter-finals at home. Besides, thanks to Vibo’s defeat, Sora is now just one point behind the leaders.

“It’s been a top level game as we expected – said coach Colucci – Both teams played excellent volleyball. We struggled at the net and in dig in the first set and in reception in the fourth, especially on the middle blockers, but we did a great job of bouncing back in the tie-break. The boys played with maturity, they have all been true professional in spite of the fact their head coach was missing. They did their job to the best of their abilities, I am extremely satisfied”.