Lega Volley Italian Volleyball League supports and help Fondazione Umberto Veronesi Foundation in helping children affected by keukemia and cancer, a foundation who is very important for researches and assistance on patients all over Italy.

More than 2.000 children and adolescents are ill with some kind of cancer. The Foundation helps the assistence at home and in the hospitals, improving the combinations of therapy, trying to improve the percentage of people who can come out of the illness.



Number: 45595 Periodo: 23 febbraio – 15 marzo 2020 Two euros donation for each SMS from cell phones Wind Tre, TIM, Vodafone, PosteMobile, Iliad, Coop Voce e Tiscali. Sarà di 5 euro per le chiamate da rete fissa TWT, Convergenze e PosteMobile, 5 or 10 euros for not mobile phones Tim, Vodafone, Wind Tre, Fastweb and Tiscali.