With the traditional first meeting between the team and the club and with the start of athletic training, the 2022/2023 season of Bcc Castellana Grotte officially started and is thus preparing to play its fourth consecutive national championship A2 Credem Banca men’s volleyball.

The seasonal meeting was held on Friday 19 August: clubs, staff and athletes met for the first time this season. After the welcome greetings from Giuseppe Vinella, the president Nino Carpinelli, the sports director Bruno De Mori and the coach Jorge Cannestracci, presentation of the team of managers and usual photos.

On Monday 22 August, however, first training sessions in the gym, beach volleyball court and Pala Grotte: all the athletes present, under the orders of coach Cannestracci and athletic trainer Max D’Elia.

Meanwhile, the 2022 preseason program has also been official, a path that will lead Bcc Castellana Grotte towards its debut on October 9th in Grottazzolina. The first engagement is already scheduled during the third week of work: on Saturday 10 September at the Pala Grotte a friendly match has been set with the Gioiella Prisma Taranto (Superlega). On Wednesday 14th September, it will be repeated in the Ionian capital.

On Saturday 17th September, Bcc Castellana Grotte and Volleyball Bari (Serie B) will take the court in Castellana Grotte to honor the memory of Franco Castiglia, the unforgotten Castellana coach who passed away in May last year. Furthermore, on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd, a triple match in Corigliano with the Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia Tuna (Serie A2) and the Olympiakos of the Italian coach Alberto Giuliani. The double engagement with Vibo on Wednesday 28 and Friday 30 (first in Puglia and then in Calabria) will close the preseason.