The Volleyball club Bologna has confirmed its participation in the A3 Credem Banca series a few weeks ago, buying the title from Sa.Ma. Portomaggiore.
The first face to be announced comes from the same Emilian team.
Felsinei and Estensi will no longer clash on the taraflex but have joined forces to create a competitive team that will be able to surprise the rossoblu fans from the very first official stage.
A courageous choice but in perfect harmony with the principles of the Petronian society.

Ending your career as an athlete and getting back into the game, changing your perspective on the pitch, is perhaps the first characteristic that a young coach has in common with a club that exudes hunger for growth.
From director to producer, Marco Marzola hangs up his setter shirt to dress a jacket and tie, a few meters away that are worth a courageous change.
His coaching career which began in Emilia with Portomaggiore has already brought out his talent. Marco has in fact closed his first season in fifth place in the general classification.
Now a further qualitative leap will have to be made in Bologna: another fundamental opportunity for him to put himself to the test.

Marco Marzola: “The choice of Bologna gave me the opportunity to continue my growth process with the good fortune of doing it close to home and with a club that wants revenge after a not exciting season.