After the first three weeks of physical and athletic work, the time has come for the first tests and the first joint training for Allianz Milano. The Superlega Credem Banca team will be on the taraflex of the Powervolley Academy on Wednesday 27 September at 4.30 pm with the Serie A3 team of Moyashi Garlasco on the other side of the net, which has the Milanese coach Vittorio Bertini on the bench. Allianz Milan, still without Ishikawa, Loser, Mergarejo and Reggers involved in the Olympic qualifiers with their respective national teams, as well as coach Roberto Piazza (coach of the Dutch) will be led by second coach Nicola Daldello, returning from his commitment with the Italian team. Access to the Academy in Piazzale Lotto is free until the maximum capacity is reached. It is advisable to reach the facility as early as possible in order not to disturb the regular progress of the training.

After Wednesday’s appointment, a training session with the A3 series Gamma Chimica Brugherio is scheduled for Friday 29th, again from 4.30pm. It won’t be a real test match with the Devils, but some 6-on-6 moments are expected. Next week the bar will be raised, with a double joint training session against Gas Sales Bluenergy Piacenza. The first is scheduled for Thursday 5 October always within the friendly walls (warm-up starts at 3.30pm – free access) the second on Saturday 7 October in Salsomaggiore Terme at 6pm. Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 the great appointment with the Jesi Volley Cup. Finally, the he last pre-season match, and first derby of the season against Vero Volley Monza will be Thursday 19 October in Milan, time of the first serve to be defined.

“I believe that the players are also looking forward to doing something with the ball at team and collective level – comments the sporting director of Allianz Milano, Fabio Lini – The first test on Wednesday will see us compete against Volley Garlasco, solid A3 series reality capable of working very well as a company in an area close to us. It will be a pleasure to have them as guests in our Academy.”

“This is the first joint training session of a series that involves a gradual approach to the debut on Sunday 22 October in Modena – adds Lini – It will be nice to play again soon against Piacenza in about ten days. An opportunity to immediately give an answer to the city of Milan and to the many fans who follow the team’s training every day.” The director of Allianz Milano also explains that the season ticket campaign remains open, together with the promotions reserved for sports clubs.